Friday, 5 March 2010

Etsy & Folksy

For those of you who do not know, Etsy and Folksy are the craft websites where artsy people can sell their handmade designs or art and craft supplies. Etsy is more geared for the American market, with prices in US Dollars but there are options to alter postage for international buyers. Folksy is very similar to Etsy, only it is UK based with its prices in Pounds Sterling. However Etsy also allow for international postage.

The listing and commission fees are nominal, and the items stay listed for between 4-6 months depending on which site you use. You are allowed to upload several images for that price in order to give you the best chance to show your item off.

People can leave comments and feedback on your work, contact you for commissions, and even post their ideas and briefs for artists and alike to 'bid' on for the chance to actually make, in the Alchemy section.

All in all, and are great places for young (and the not so young I guess!) artists, designers, craft makers and all sorts of creative people to get there work seen and sold all over the world.

While you're there check out my designs and please feel free to leave me comments, constructive criticisms, and of course shop!!