Monday, 24 May 2010

'You Woke Me Up Too Early!'

This is this week's entry for Illustration Friday. The theme this week is 'early', so here we have a poor slumbering bear rudely awoken early from hibernation by a couple of carefree robins building a snowman.. well, a snowbird really.

Little but more twee than my work of late, but it's nice to branch out a bit. I used watercolours too, first time in years and years! Did a tiny bit of digital enhancement with the stars in the sky and the eye highlights.


  1. love the detail, especially the early morning and night blend! so sweet =)

  2. Hey Grace! I was trying to think of something along these lines but couldn't. You really nailed the idea and the artwork! Nice!

  3. A snowrobin! :)
    Really great painting!

  4. Ah, Grace, good watercolour, good colour!!

  5. So cute!Great style and colours!
